Wireguard Project Part 1
I decided to use my Windows Server to host a wireguard VPN so that i could have remote access to my network at all times. Below are my steps and my configuration that i used to setup 2 peers and a server client. With the way wireguard works by trading public keys, some information in these configuration files with be redacted for my networks safety.
Step 1. Go here to Download Wireguard: https://www.wireguard.com/install/
Step 2. Once the installation is done, start Wireguard, Once it is open, at the botom left you will see “Add Tunnel” click the drop down arrow on the right of that and select “Add empty Tunnel” Name this in regards to what you want your wireguard server client to be named. note down the private and public keys. click save.
Step 3. Repeat step 2 and create a peer client tunnel.
Step 4. Edit the server tunnel configuration file and write in the following:
PrivateKey = Server Private key
ListenPort = choose a port number (default is 51820)
Address = choose an IP address that is in the private sector and is outside of your networks IP address class use a /24 subnet
PublicKey = Server Public key
AllowedIPs = Pick an IP address in the same class and subnet of the Interface address above, use a /32 ubnet
PersistentKeepalive = 60
Step 5.